Styling Intro: How to Upgrade my Partners Style


Hi Readers.

As the New Year is fast approaching this will be a great time given the current climate to think of ways of getting round to nickelling idea that has been sitting on your mind - upgrading your partners style. We will be discussing the best ways and practices in upgrading your partners style and taking it to that next level. If you haven’t already read our previous post “Wardrobe Detox: Help me get rid of my Partners UNWANTED Clothes," make sure you do as the steps will be similar to that.We believe the only difference is that most people are up for a change especially when it comes to their style. As we grow not everything we think stays the same and will slightly change from time to time - its only human nature. Hopefully your partner will see the benefits in what you are trying to achieve, as the saying goes “A couple that slays together, stays together.”

  1. What are the reasons for changing his/her style?

    First and foremost, this is a very important question as individuals, why would we like to change our partners style? Is it too better them or is it because we do not like their sense of style? It could be considered one is for them whilst the other is for a our selfishness needs in order for them to look nicer standing next to us. If you find yourself having the answer to “better them” then you are on the right path. We all could and may want to be the best version of ourselves and sometimes need that extra help from our partners to get us there.

  2. What is the best way to go about this?

    We suggest that you keep in mind not be forceful and impose too much of your stylistic ideals of how you want your partner to be when it comes to their style. If you are, this will cause them to push back and you would rather have them more open to the idea. For example if he/she does not like your choice of clothing for them, do not become defensive - you want them to feel included within their own styling ideas too. Instead it would be better for you to ask them a question such as; 1) What is it about the item you aren’t to sure about? This is open question they will answer as this enables a room for discussion.

  3. How not to hurt their feelings?

    Not everyone likes the idea of shopping and find it tedious, so our recommendation is to use the gifting strategy. The reason being that this is an effective way for your partner to try new things without being forceful or pushy. It would also mean you can slightly bend this your advantage without verbally ‘insulting’ them. Always bear in mind what your purchasing has to show how it compliments them as well as their personality.

  4. How to be Tactful in your approach?

    There are plenty of ways to be tactful in your approach to trying to upgrade your partners style, one of the best tactics could be arranging a shopping trip for the both of you - that’s if they do not find the idea of shopping tedious (if they do refer back to point 3). Although you truly want the shopping trip to be about them solely, you also have to include yourself in order for it feel more of “We” thing rather than a “You” thing. Another tactful way would be attending an event that one would need to dress up for - we find it more often partners will ask you “What they should wear to the event?” - and here is were you have a little more say in what you would like for them to wear how you would like them to look.

  5. Compliments, Compliments and more Compliments.

    Lastly, in order for this to work you will need to compliment your partners outfits every chance you get in order to make them feel great - we all like compliments to some degree or another. Even if it means you aren’t the one that has chosen that particular outfit or the small detailed items - compliments go a long way. Practice positive reinforcement and words of encouragement and watch them flourish before your eyes.


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Wardrobe Detox: Help me get rid of my partners UNWANTED Clothes